Start with your iPhone or iPad. 1. Lightly press down and hold the app until it starts wiggling. If you press too firmly and your iPhone has 3D Touch, you may open the Share menu instead.If so
You can't delete purchase history from the App Store and App Store and iTunes purchases: You can't delete history. Today's Best Tech Deals. forever, some music and iPhone apps from my iTunes account and not have to deal with them just “hiding How to Erase Your iPhone Settings and Data Jan 28, 2020
I am currently needing an answer for this too because I have a old existing subscription with a certain app that I cancelled months ago and created a new profile on this certain app again just today and tried to subscribe for 1 month of access and it couldn’t do it as it’s new profile and it tried to subscribe to old profile because still on my active subscription and I can not delete it.
[2020 New] Top 4 Solutions to Delete App History on iPhone How to Delete App History on iPhone Permanently. You may not just want to delete app history on … How to Delete Purchased App Store History on iPhone All you have to do is then look for the “All” button in the history and delete the history. It’s that simple. It’s that simple. All in all, if you want to get rid of the apps purchase information in your iPhone or just hide it from view, all you have to do is follow the above easy step by step directions and you …
How to Clear YouTube History on iPhone and iPad
The Maps app on the iPhone stores your search history by default, including the addresses you've searched for and the addresses you've navigated to. When you search for a new address, the app will try to automatically populate the search field if the address is similar to any you've searched for before. To fix this, delete the Maps app history. If you see a warning that deleting the app also deletes any associated data, you may want to save the data before deleting the app. Different apps have different schemes for importing and exporting data; the important thing is that if you create documents with an app (notes, images, videos, and such), deleting the app will delete any files you’ve created with that app unless they’re saved