logging buffered 51200 warnings enable secret (edited for security)! no aaa new-model memory-size iomem 10! crypto pki trustpoint TP-self-signed-(edited for security) enrollment selfsigned subject-name cn=IOS-Self-Signed-Certificate-(edited for security) revocation-check none rsakeypair TP-self-signed-(edited for security)!!

LOGGING BUFFERED 51200 WARNINGS To turn ON buffered logging for warning messages. Rule of thumb, you should set it to 16K if your router has 16MB RAM. If you set it higher (i.e. 50K), make sure your router has more than 16MB RAM or at least 64MB RAM ↓翻訳 バッファされたロギングをオンにして警告メッセージを表示する。 The buffered log messages are viewed using the command show logging log. Example 2-29 displays the directories present in the flash and the contents of the /var/log/external/ directory. If the show logging log command does not display output or the logging gets stopped, check the /var/log/ directory to ensure that space is available for that David Davis shows you how to get to the bottom of router and switch issues with Cisco's debug commands. Debug can give you a lot of detailed troubleshooting information, but watch out for the service timestamps log datetime msec no service password-encryption! hostname 2811! boot-start-marker boot-end-marker! logging buffered 51200 warnings! no aaa new-model! resource policy! ip subnet-zero!! ip cef no ip dhcp use vrf connected ip dhcp excluded-address! ip dhcp pool everyone network 192.168.1. 255.255.255. default Enable the HTTP and HTTPS servers on your router by entering the following commands in global configuration mode: (config)# logging buffered 51200 warnings Step 5 Enter the end command to

Current configuration : 3964 bytes! version 15.4 service timestamps debug datetime msec service timestamps log datetime msec no service password-encryption! hostname 1921thedude! boot-start-marker boot-end-marker! logging buffered 51200 warnings no logging console! no aaa new-model! ip dhcp excluded-address 10.29..1 ip dhcp excluded-address 10

The buffered log messages are viewed using the command show logging log. Example 2-29 displays the directories present in the flash and the contents of the /var/log/external/ directory. If the show logging log command does not display output or the logging gets stopped, check the /var/log/ directory to ensure that space is available for that logging message-counter syslog logging buffered 51200 warnings enable secret 5 876trtre76549876tr765rchanged! no aaa new-model memory-size iomem 10 clock timezone GMT 8! dot11 syslog ip source-route! ip cef ip dhcp excluded-address!! no ip domain lookup ip domain name yourdomain.com no ipv6 cef multilink bundle-name authenticated Last configuration change at 19:20:05 UTC Fri Jun 7 2013 by idirouter version 15.2 no service pad service timestamps debug datetime msec service timestamps log datetime msec no service password-encryption ! hostname idirouter ! boot-start-marker boot-end-marker ! ! logging buffered 51200 warnings ! no aaa new-model memory-size iomem 10 ! crypto

service timestamps log datetime msec no service password-encryption! hostname myrouter! boot-start-marker boot-end-marker!! logging buffered 51200 warnings enable secret 4 .J4j.xA enable password SECRET! aaa new-model!! aaa authentication login default local aaa authorization exec default local !!!!! aaa session-id common! ip cef!!!

logging queue-limit 100 logging buffered 51200 warnings! ip subnet-zero!! no ip domain lookup ip domain name yourdomain.com!! ip audit notify log ip audit po max-events 100 no ftp-server write-enable! ! interface FastEthernet0 no ip address duplex auto speed auto no cdp enable! interface FastEthernet1 no ip address no cdp enable! interface